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High School Curriculum and Academics Overview

Ohio Graduation Requirements have changed.  Please review the changes and contact the Student Office if there are questions.

The English Department (Department Chair Shannon Silbernagel)

The English Department seeks to use the study of literature and language to contribute to students' understanding of human relationships and values and to foster a love for reading that will enrich their futures. We hope to provide students with a broad knowledge of the history and development of literature in English, as well as to develop their reading, writing, speaking, critical and analytical skills to prepare them for collegiate studies. We also hope to instill in students an appreciation for literature as a means of understanding human experience.

The Mathematics Department (Department Chair Daniel Caproni)

The Mathematics Department at Western Hills offers a full range of courses based on the Ohio Department of Education guidelines. These standards are internationally benchmarked, and are based on a philosophy of teaching and learning mathematics that is consistent with the most current research, exemplary practices and national standards. Our mission is to prepare students for the rigor of college-level academics and beyond.

The mathematics program follows a traditional sequence beginning with Pre-Algebra in 7th grade, Algebra 1 in 8th grade, Geometry in 9th grade and Algebra 2 in 10th grade. Options for a fourth year of mathematics include Pre-calculus and Statistics. We have an honors program for advanced classes across all grade levels as well as a dual-enrollment option for 12th grade students. Under the dual-enrollment option, students earn high school as well as college credit.

The Science Department (Department Chair Molly O'Donnell-Good)

The Science Department curriculum emphasis will be on developing laboratory skills, the scientific method, organizing and evaluating data, and development of skills using the science processes such as the scientific method, measurement, data interpretation and analysis and classification. Students will be provided ample opportunities for research and discovery, for it is through personal experience in the scientific method that they best develop an understanding of it. Through laboratory experience, students will develop a deeper understanding of the processes of scientific inquiry and how these processes use evidence to support conclusions based on logical reasoning. Safe laboratory procedures and conduct will be emphasized. Career opportunities in the physical sciences will be examined. Students will trace the historical development of scientific theories and ideas, explore scientific theories, and develop their scientific literacy to become knowledgeable citizens.

The Social Studies Department (Department Chair Jeffery Demaree)

The Western Hills Social Studies department is committed to improving literacy. Across grade levels, there are writing and reading activities that promote literacy. Formative assessments are used to demonstrate writing competency. Challenging readings are provided to increase reading level in preparation for college. The Western Hills High School Social Studies department is focused on getting our students to the college of their choice or to enter the world of work with the required skills needed for success.

Foreign Language (Julie Elena Lasso-Rose)

The Foreign Language program is designed to help students develop language ability to speak and write using the Spanish language. We provide instruction in Spanish language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Culture and traditions are also introduced through language study and activities. Job opportunities abound with knowing a second language. Some examples are: international business and agencies, travel and tourism, diplomatic or government service, research institutes, teaching, translating, linguistics and interpreting.

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Department (Department Chair Ariel Hemphill)

At Western Hills University High School, we value all cultures, people and languages. We have students representing more than 15 languages and more than 20 different countries from around the world. West High is a welcoming environment for students who are English-Language Learners. To meet the needs of this growing population of students, West High has developed a comprehensive English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program of study. Our ESOL program is designed to immerse students in the English language while providing support needed for successful completion of high school and success after graduation.

For more information about ESOL Services provided or to enroll, please visit the CPS English-Language Learners website.

Special Education (Department Chair Carrie Hess-Wilson; Carly Schwarz, Case Coordinator; Michell Zych, Building Lead Psychologist/Transition Coordinator)

The Special Education department, at Western Hills High School, offers a wide spectrum of services designed to support students who have been identified as having a disability. Some of the services include:

  • Co-taught and Resource Room classrooms to meet the diverse learning needs of students
  • Specially designed units supporting the various needs of our learners. These units include Multiple Disabilities (MD) and STRIDES
  • Transitional service: Project Life (pre-graduation transition based classroom) and ICAN (post-graduation transition based classroom).
  • Specially designed electives to support the varying needs such as behavior, social emotional support, and transition needs.
  • A functioning transition lab to teach independence and job skills
  • Partnerships with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), Department of Developmental Services for Hamilton County (DDS), IKRON and Easter Seals

For more information contact:

Department Chair: Carrie Wilson
Building Lead Psychologist/Transition Coordinator: Craig Hanthorn
Case Coordinator: Carly Schwarz