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Guidance Counselors

Welcome to High School

Counselors: Demarco Robinson (7-8), Drisana Garlington (9-10), Jennifer Classetti (9-10), William McAleenan (11-12), Cynthia Gray (Graduation Counselor)

Academic Success Entails:

  • Attend class every day — Be in all your classes every day! Studies show that those who do well in classes most often miss very few classes each semester (a semester is half of the school year - August through December and January through May).
  • Bring materials to class — Always take proper materials to class with you. Your teachers will inform you about what you need for that class. A builder does not go to his job without a hammer, nails, lumber, a tape measure, and numerous other tools. You are building your educational background, so you need to bring your tools to the job!
  • Complete all make-up work on time.  There is NO second chance — Keep up with homework assignments and turn in projects and assignments on time. Being prompt will really impress your peers and allow you to stay on task. Semester grades are based on tests, homework, and special projects accomplished during the semester.
  • Demonstrating personal organizational skills, such as record keeping, time management, homework habits/responsibilities, note-taking, and essential listening skills. Staying organized will help you complete all your assignments on time.