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Our School

Western Hills University High School is an intensive college-preparatory school dedicated to preparing students for rigorous coursework at the collegiate level and providing all students the opportunity to achieve academic, social and personal success. Western Hills focuses on creating strong student-teacher relationships, encouraging student accountability and facilitating home-to-school communication.
These three pillars are foundational to student success in high school and beyond. In addition, teaching teams work with the same students for 1-2 years to improve academic achievement.

Students in grades 7-10 focus on core academic subjects while preparing for state assessments and college entrance exams. In grades 11-12, students take college preparatory courses in English, math, social studies and science and complete seminar work and electives. Through a partnership with Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, students earn college credit in their junior and senior years. Western Hills also offers Advanced Placement and College Credit Plus courses.

A long-term partnership with GRAD Cincinnati benefits students by awarding merit-based college scholarships. To participate in GRAD Cincinnati, students must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA, graduate on-time, attend a Summer Bridge program and participate in Summer Institute programs.

For students interested in pursuing careers in emergency services, Western Hills offers an Emergency Medical Services Pathway through a partnership with Cincinnati State. This no-cost opportunity allows students to earn the EMT-Basic Certificate, while earning transferable college credits and participating in college level coursework. Course offerings include American Criminal Justice System, Foundations of Public
Safety and Emergency Medical Technician training.